Monday, January 10, 2011

Not quite a Vacation.

Dear Readers:
Generally when I don't post anything for a while I give you some lame reason like "I was busy at work" or "I was having too much fun."  Well that is not so this time.  My initial plan when we first went away on vacation was to take pictures of the amazing architecture, textiles and sights of Sri Lanka and post them.  I anticipated weeks of relaxing in the sun, hanging out with friends, drinking endless cups of tea, getting tipsy on Sri Lankan beer and mostly spending hours upon hours with Scott and Kiran without a care in the world.  Well somehow my idyllic vacation morphed into a nightmare.  First Scott was diagnosed with Dengue which is a serious mosquito borne viral infection.  Scott was hospitalized for five agonizing days.  I spend those days running from the hospital to my parents home to cook for Kiran (he refused to eat anything that anyone else cooked for him) and play with him and then I would spend the nights with Scott in the hospital.  I had a short reprieve and then Kiran was also diagnosed with Dengue which can be very serious in infants and toddlers.

As I write this post I can see my poor little boy drugged out listless on the bed in front of me and I am again filled with more despair. Why did I bring him here? He barely smiles anymore and all that I want to do is pick him up, rush to the airport and get on the next flight back to Philly.  I alternate between moments of utter despair, short bouts of  hopefulness and agonizing hours of disbelief. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Kiran's Dengue appears to be under control but he seems to have developed a secondary infection.  The doctors are not sure...maybe it is malaria.  We'll know whether it is malaria tomorrow.  For now all I can to is hope that my darling Kiran will recover and that he will once again laugh smile and do all the silly little things that he used to do.

So dear readers that is all for now from what was once my beautiful homeland. From now on Sri Lanka will sure to inspire more dread that beauty in my mind.


  1. Madie,
    It's Ellen, your old neighbor. I'm not sure exactly how I came across your blog, but I did and I've looked at it from time to time. I just clicked on it because I'm taken with the blue paint in the dining room. But -- I'm so sorry to read this last post. I hope Kiran and Scott have rallied. I know how frightening it is to have a sick child -- I'm still haunted by a nosebleed Abby had when she was about 16 months, and it only lasted a short while -- but I hope you shed this memory quickly. Be well.

  2. I hope Kiran and Scott are doing better. I will send up a prayer for your family. I read your blog from time to time and think it's lovely.

  3. Ellen, I had no idea you were reading my blog! I hope that Kiran will soon forget his very scary experience and resume being a beautiful naughty boy.

  4. Anonymous thank you for your well wishes. Also thank you for reading my blog.
